Coaching to making ministry stronger, one leader at a time. 

Strong leaders are the backbone of thriving ministries. With decades of experience in tackling leadership and ministry issues, we've field-tested three core areas of focus. Get personalized coaching so that we leave no man behind.
"Victory begins with having the right coach."
James Dee

How we help you reach your goals:

Get access to our online courses and regular private mentoring. Shave years off your ministry journey and make your impact now.

Coaching for

We train you and your team on the essentials for launching and growing local, dynamic ministry.

Get a combo of online courses, one-to-one mentoring, and a field-tested strategy.

Our coaches help you connect with your men better and faster than before, and network you with new ministries nearby.

Coaching for

Get coaching through the setup and growth of a thriving, annual event to reach men.

Our team has helped launch conferences across the United States and Canada. Meet with a coach today to start planning yours, get resources, navigate your diocesan needs, and network with local men's groups for success.

Coaching for

Raise and develop men to leadership roles within ministries and conferences, and bring your team together.

Some founders are looking to raise new leaders to carry the torch and continue the mission. Join the Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance, and become a resource for other men in your diocese.

Connect with your leadership coach.

Enter your details, and your local coach will meet with you to discuss your needs, offer resources, and invite you to networking opportunities.