Heroic Leadership Workshop & Launch Program

Ready to get off the sidelines and get strengthened to lead dynamic men’s groups that build real brotherhood

How the program works

Heroic Men is launching thriving men’s ministries in select dioceses across the USA and Canada.

We are on a mission to raise up Heroic leaders who are true missionary disciples, that gather men in dynamic men’s groups, to grow in faith and brotherhood.
We want to help you answer Christ’s call: “Go and make disciples of all nations.”
That’s why we’ve created the Heroic Leadership Workshop & Launch Program: it’s a one-day spiritual-reset and leadership-training workshop.

Then you join a cohort of men for an 8-week online program. Together on live, weekly calls, you’ll get coached through specific tasks and training to help you launch - and 10X - the impact of your men’s group.

Here’s how it works: You’ll get the tools, strategies, and a clear plan to multiply the impact of your ministry for men in your area. Live the three core habits of a Heroic Missionary Disciple:

  • Divine Intimacy: Build a deep, personal connection with God to fuel your mission.
  • Authentic Brotherhood: Form unbreakable bonds with men who challenge you to grow.
  • Spiritual Multiplication: Learn how to expand your leadership and impact beyond your expectations.

1-Day Workshop

Overview of principles outlined in Making Missionary Disciples Book, having a
“Common Language” for Evangelization & Discipleship, and living out the 3 habits as heroic missionary disciples of Jesus Christ.

  • Heroic Habit 1: Divine Intimacy Learn how you can strengthen your own friendship with Christ, not only in times of crisis, but in a daily routine. 
  • Heroic Habit 2: Authentic Brotherhood Authentic brotherhood helps strengthen us as leaders to step up and strengthen men. 
  • Heroic Habit 3: Spiritual Multiplication We’re all called to spiritual multiplication through the Little Way of Evangelization, by growing dynamic men’s groups.
"The Heroic Leadership Workshop is an amazing and powerful experience. I highly recommend it to any man, especially those serving in ministry to men. It was inspiring, encouraging, challenging and most of all, a great environment to encounter Jesus, THE man. Ecce Homo!"
2024 Attendee
"The Holy Spirit was here this weekend! The best workshop I have ever attended. Both in content and precision in how it was run. I can't wait to get to God's work."
- 2024 Attendee

The 8-Week program

Each week of the program consists of 3 things: a piece of content, a group call, and an action step.

  1. Ministry to Men is Founded on the Gospel. Discipleship begins with a response to Jesus Christ and his invitation to follow him. Have you responded? Task: Create a Mission Statement 
  2. To Make Disciples, You Must be a Disciple. You cannot give what you do not have. Task: Invite 3 Men to Leadership Roles
  3. The Gospel and Sharing Your Story. In sharing the story of God's grace in our lives we not only communicate the Gospel to others, but we also re-encounter the Gospel ourselves. Task: Create Your Testimony, 
  4. Men Need Brotherhood: No Man Left Behind The Gospel of Jesus Christ moves into ministry to men at the speed of brotherhood. Tasks: Meet Your Pastor, Make a List of 5 Men
  5. Leading a Dynamic Men's Group. Great leaders are skilled at facilitating encounters with God. Task: Create Your Schedule, Identify Leaders
  6. Your Heroic Toolkit for Leading Dynamic Men’s Groups. Heroic Men's resources equip you with the tools you need to power your dynamic men's group. Task: Plan Your Meetings
  7. Journeying with Men: Meet men where they are at. Task: Launch Your Group
  8. The Gospel: The Beginning is the End for Ministry to Men. Everything we do in ministry to men is always about Jesus Christ and encountering and sharing his Gospel. Task: Plan Your First 6 Months

This workshop and program will set you up to 10X your impact, and become a certified Heroic Leader. By the end, you’ll have everything you need to lead a thriving, impactful men’s group in your parish that will grow…and multiply.

Need help? 

Starting a ministry is a team effort. If you've already got a team and are ready to begin, join the Heroic Brotherhood to start using our resources. Heroic Men created a coaching program for mens' groups and conferences, paid for by our donors and mission partners. Our coaches are standing by to support you anytime.